DEAL DONE:Ryan Day Signed a 5year,$215,159,700 with Texas longhorns,including $215,159,700.... As speculation circulated that the Big Ten Conference will suspend autumn sports because of the coronavirus outbreak, Ohio State football coach Ryan Day stated on Monday that he does not believe the season has to be canceled. Day stated that he believes canceling the season would be a "mistake." Paraphrase Well, it definitely took me by surprise when the schedule was released last week, and it was intended to be somewhat flexible," he stated on ESPN's "College Football Live." And I simply believe that it is our responsibility to provide these young guys with the safest atmosphere possible. After that, show it to the athletes, their parents, and their coaches, who will then determine whether it is safe enough. However, I believe we should not stop the season because this schedule has allowed The timetable was created in this manner, he added, "and there are two separate opportunities: September 26th and the first week of October. There are opportunities to start the season then. I believe it would be a mistake to stop the season at this time, and we should take some time to reconsider some of these problems. Paraphrase ...