Andrea Berg is going to experience a trauma: something she has never…
“Dezembertraum” is Andrea Bergs’ most recent hit song. This is a really fitting name, as a trauma comes true for Schlagersternchen Berg as well. See how it came about here.
Karrierenunfall für Andrea Berg läuft gerade so: Kurze Zeit vor dem Start ihrer “Wir sehen uns!”-Tour 2025 wurde bekannt, und im Oktober spielte sie bei Florian Silbereisens “Schlagerbooom 2023” in der verkauften Dortmunder Westfalenhalle.
She then debuted her new single, “Dezembertraum,” off her upcoming Christmas album “Weihnacht,” on the “Giovanni Zarrella Show.” The album Schlagerfans seems to be captivating listeners even now.
In honor of the winter holiday, “Weihnacht” debuts at number one on the German album charts. In doing so, she knocks out Berlin rapper Kontra K. Even though the 57-year-old Andrea Berg is accustomed to her success—this is actually her 13th time at the top of the charts—she is clearly happy with her placement. Because it is the first Christmas album to reach the number one spot on the chart.
“Ihr Lieben, unser gemeinsamer Dezembertraum ist wahr geworden!” she posts on Instagram. “Weihnacht” has risen to the top of the German album charts. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this album something truly unique.”