Andrea Berg: 55 Baby Freude! Now, they share their…
Andrea Berg has been performing for more than 30 years, packing arenas, having her albums purchased by millions, and having a devoted fan base that supports her constantly. But in addition to music, she has a second great passion: the animals on their Aspach sunnhof. And it’s them whom you have now bestowed upon the great fortune.
Andrea Berg has since had children with Ehemann Uli Ferber. A paar Tagen zuvor entsprach der liebste “Sonnenhof” in Aspach das kleine Alpaka-Baby Eric. The 55-year-old singer is ecstatic and delights her fans with adorable pictures of the little ones on the run.
Fans of Andrea Berg are as enthralled with the adorable Babynews as the singer is, and they are congratulating her joyfully on Instagram. “Happy birthday, Nachwuchs! So schön der Kleine “writes a fan. Another person expresses gratitude by saying: “How sweet! Greetings from this world, Eric.” It’s well known that Andrea Berg and Ehemann Uli have a soft spot for animals. Every kind of animal may be found living on the Sonnennhof in Aspach, including two eels, a schildkröte, dogs, cats, ponys, geens, and schwines. Since a few days ago, Alpaka-Baby Eric has also joined the group!